Rajnikanth Jokes

<><><>  MIND IT <><><>

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Name: Rajnikanth
Hobbies: Playing with lions, swimming with tsunami, skating in volcano, catching bullets when
Someone shoots, running against flying plane, playing with lightning
The legend of India……

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Rajnikant was studying in 3rd STD....someone stole his rough note....and
Now they call it as .............Wikipedia
Crazy people!!!!

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When Rajnikant was a Student……..
Teachers use to Bunk the classes!!!

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Rajnikant started college. All student were confused while taking admission because name of college is
“Rajnikant's Medical College of Engineering for Commerce”.

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Rajnikant purchased a road roller…
Guess why??????
To Iron his Clothes……………………………

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Rajnikant was shot today...
Funeral of the bullet is tomorrow…J


  1. Very Very funny......!!!!!

  2. Hahahahaha....... Hilarious.. Good 1

    - Pia Verma
